We've been selling toys for over 33 years and have experience of what sells well for school PTA fundraising and people raising money for charities and community groups. We chat regularly to our charity and PTA customers about what helps them raise money and many of our staff have helped on PTAs and raised funds for charity themselves.
All in all, this helps us help you raise money too! We hope these fundraising ideas and stall suggestions below will help you raise money for your PTA, school, charity, club or good cause.
We've lots of ready made fundraising stall packs to make life easy for you!
We also stock numerous fast selling toys for school fetes and fairs and charity fundraising events. All our toys and games sell well - that's why we stock them! Best sellers include punch balloons, temporary tattoos and plastic footballs. We have a huge range of party bag toys and fundraising prizes too, with toys starting from under 6p each!
Are you stuck for what to buy to make money at your fundraising event? Our wholesale inflatables are popular all year round at parties and fundraising discos or to sell on stalls or to give as prizes at fetes, events and parties. Our wholesale inflatables are great value and really eye catching and start start from under 55p each.
Children (and adults) love noisy toys too! From whistle lips and duck whistles to paddle drums,
Soft toys are always great as prizes too and throughout the year we have many great value teddies and seasonal soft toys.
We've a few more suggestions below for easy ways to raise money.
We've got lots of ready made stall packs to make fundraising as easy as possible for you. Saving you time and money, they're great value.
They save you both time and money!
Everyone loves to try to beat the goalie, whatever their age, and you can make a lot of money doing this - it's very visual, and as with all fundraising events, it's about having fun!
If you don't have a real goal, you can easily mark out a goal line on the floor or grass, or use boxes to mark out your goal area. And if you have enough room, you can play it indoors too.
Make a large poster showing how much you are charging per try and what your prizes are - we'd suggest offering 3 tries for 50p.
We have lots of really great value football themed fundraising items from under 10p each you can use as prizes - smiley themed prizes are great too, as girls taking part will love these too. You could maybe give a pinball or maze puzzle for one goal scored, a notebook or paddle bat for 2 goals, and a football or a fun punch balloon for getting all 3.
Make sure you have a good goalie, someone to take the money and an eye catching goal area, and you're all sure to have great fun.
Dads will love to get a higher score than the Mums!
See who can fly their glider the furthest! Write the top distances on a board to encourage friendly competition and repeat attempts.
You will need lolly sticks or plant labels, pens, prizes, lots of space and of course, boxes of gliders - which from us, cost from less than 10p each per glider!
Sell entrants 2 gliders for 50p and get them to write their name and number on two lolly sticks or plant labels.
Mark a line on the floor on which entrants must stand and get them to fly their gliders! Mark where their glider lands with the lolly stick or plant label and then let them take their gliders home. Award one prize if you have a large prize, or 3 smaller prizes for those who fly their gliders the furthest.
This is a simple, fun fundraising idea for all ages, with the bonus of everyone taking their gliders home!
We've put this Prize a Time Treasure Map Pack together to make it as easy as possible for you! The map has 221 squares on it, and there are 228 fun prizes for boys and grils included.
For under £50.00 including VAT it's great value and if you sell all the squares you'll make over £65.00!
All ages will love to pick a square knowing they get a prize each time.
Our temporary tattoos are incredibly popular with all ages and are incredibly good value too. It's a really easy stall to run, and they come off easily with soap and water .We've loads to choose from, and children of all ages will love to spend their pocket money buying them to put them on themselves.
They'll love to put them on Mum and Dad too!
We have a huge amount of great value lucky dip toys in our party bag toys and fundraising prizes section. Put them in a large box or toy bin with some shredded newspaper or tissue paper - or for a mucky dip use sand, soil, mud, slime or even jelly (but have lots of wipes or water and paper towels handy!)
You will need: A large sturdy container and lots of prizes - ideally unisex or wrapped in gift-wrap to identify boys and girls prizes.
Think about age suitability, particularly for younger children - it may be worth having 2 lucky dips, as some toys are unsuitable for children aged 3 and under due to small parts.
Have 3 small buckets or small boxes at various points on a large table and a big bag of jet balls.
Entrants should try to bounce the ball gently on the table to get it in the buckets or boxes. Whether they win or lose, give them the jet ball to take home. If they manage to get the ball in each time, give them a small extra prize too. Make sure you have someone ready to catch any stray jet balls!
Each person gets something to take away, so everyone is happy.
A really easy thing to do, and very eye catching too!
Fill a car with different coloured balloons and tie some to the outside too, to draw attention. We have a number of packs of good value balloons.
Offer one of our large soft toys maybe a package of gift stationery or smaller soft toys - we have some great value items you could put together to make a really eye catching display. Make an eye catching poster and display your prize to attract maximum attention. Offer 2 tries for 50p.
Once your event has ended, give children a balloon to take home with them.
We've lots of wholesale feathers, googly eyes, stickers, pens, pencils, craft materials, glue, paints and paper perfect for an art and craft stall. Whether making making masks or tissue paper flowers, painting eggs at Easter, creating Christmas cards or colouring in simple sheets, children and adults can enjoy sitting together and be creative.
Make it clear to adults or guardians of children that they need to stay with children if this is the case, so it doesn't become a creche!
Good luck with your fundraising! Let us know your ideas for fun fundraising stalls and which fundraising ideas work well - email info@andersonswholesale.co.uk!